Monday, May 14, 2007

Methane Gas and Global Warming !

One of the main global warming causes is methane gas. It comes after CO2 in greenhouse gases. The release of methane gas could be from coal-mining, oil exploration and when large areas of vegetation are burnt for clearance. However the big release is almost from agriculture activities especially wetlands like; rice paddies. Animal’s also specifically cud-chewing species like cows release methane gases. Methane is increasing 1 % every year which means it increases twice as fast as the carbon dioxide. Because, as the world population increases the agriculture activities must increase as well as the emission of methane. Methane gas could be far more dangerous than carbon dioxide because it’s 20 times stronger in greenhouse gases. Another problem is that there are methane and similar gases trapped under frozen grounds coming from dead bodies and bacterias. It could be a catastrophe if these frozen ground are melted because of the huge amount of dangerous gases trapped beneath them.

To know more about methane and CO2 go HERE


Ahmed said...

Hey Waddah..
I gust want to know why you chose Methane gas as one of the causes of global warming even there is many more important causes..?

Waddah Al Tamimi said...

Thank you Ahmad for your Concern, I just wanted to say that as we all can see that everybody are more concern about CO2 and how it plays major role in the cause of global warming. I actually chose this cause because it will be important soon someday. The methane gas is increasing twice as fast as the CO2. It’s also caused by most of the human activities like coal-mining and oil exploring. So why not talk about and try to find a solution while we can.

Khuzaima AL-Hashimi said...

Hi Waddah,

Well, I think you are right, most horrible thing nowadays are gases & speacially the Methane & CO2.

al3feefi said...

Hi Waddah
Which of the gases has more effect is it carbon dioxide or methane

Waddah Al Tamimi said...

Hi and thanks for checking up my blog.

Methane is 21 times more powerful a greenhouse gas than CO2.

and you can check that on this web site:

thanks for coming and your welcome to comment as much as you want.