Wednesday, May 30, 2007

The Ecosystem is Effected ?!!?!?

Global warming is not only causing climate change but it is putting a lot of pressure on our ecosystem, plants and animals survive in certain climates. The temperature has increased so the growing season has changed in many parts of the world. The migration of some animals has to start earlier to follow their food source, because the spring is coming early in some parts. Also plants will need more water to stay alive or else they will die or dry out, that could lead to huge fires.

Winters will eventually fail to kill insects increasing the risk of infestation which will destroy the ecosystem. As the growing season moves forward, as the temperature increases daily, plants and animals survival gets harder. That’s why land-based plants and animals have to start migrating toward the poles. Sadly those that can’t migrate or adapt face extinction.

Related topic can be found in this Site: CLIMATE CHANGE, ECOSYSTEMS AND WILDLIFE


Anonymous said...

This is such an important topic to be discussed and taken care of especially that this phenomenan plays a huge role in the climate changes and really harms the Ecosystem ..

The post is well prepared and very helpful for those who have no Idea about this important topic ..

Thanks Mr. Waddah for such valuable information ..

Keep up the good work !

Saoud said...

True my man, I couldn't agree more.. the climate change is getting worse day by day but no one notices it.

Thanks man and I hope they wake up and realize that even smoking is bad for them and for our earth.

cheers bro,

Waddah Al Tamimi said...

Thank you all.

I just want to say that most of the people are noticing and they are well aware of what's going on. The thing is that they ignore it because they don't believe. One day when it all gets really serious they will regret it.

Thank you all for coming again and for you sweet comments too.