Sunday, April 22, 2007

What is Global Warming ??

Global Warming is the biggest issue that the whole world is facing today. It is basically an increase of temperature in earth because of the heat trapped by the greenhouses effect around our atmosphere. The greenhouses effect has different type of gases like; Carbon Dioxide (CO2), Methane and water vapor, which formed around our atmosphere as blankets. These gases accrued mostly because of the gas emission from cars, trains, plans and industries. So these blankets are blocking the reflected sun waves from going outside our atmosphere, which unfortunately comes back to earth, that’s why heat is increasing. Every year the blanket of gases increases and so is the temperature. The increasing in temperature could reach a limit that causes a lot of problems. So, till when are we going to stand doing nothing towards Global Warming?!?!?!?!?!


CompuGuru said...

Tis an interesting blog. Wish you the best of luck brah.

Abdulaziz said...

hey Waddah how r ya ?
mm plz give me brief description about ur company which u r working fr it ?


Waddah Al Tamimi said...

Thank you Compuguru and abdulaziz for the comments.

Well abdulaziz, I work for Borouge and it’s located in Ruwais, Abu Dhabi. It’s a petrochemical company which produces high quality plastic that is not bad for the environment.

If you want to know more you can visit their website:


Thanks again.