Thursday, May 31, 2007

Save Our Climate & Stop Global Warming!

What we should be more concern about is stoping or reducing global warming. No one can do this alone we have to put our hands together and work to stop Global Warming.

What I have Learned ?!

The work I have done helped to understand more about global warming. It also changed my view to blogs and showed me how helpful it could be if used nicely. I also learned that we really are facing huge problems and it's very hard to be stopped anyhow but to be reduced. I come to know the Main causes of global warming, main effects too and how we react towards them. Another thing is that i realized that UAE are acting towards what's happening and that made me really proud. I also believe that if we all put our hands together a good change could be made.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

UAE & Global Warming

Global warming is world wide. So an action is needed from each country all over the world. UAE has made somethings to reduce global warming and greenhouse gases like;

Solar Energy,
UAE are starting using solar energy in their traffic lights and power meters and more. All that is to reduce the usage of fossil fuel and to make sure that they have a renewable energy once the fuel is not available. they are also concern about global warming and they are trying to stop what ever makes it growing.

For further information HERE

UAE are also planing to make “Green Community".
The heart of UAE Abu Dhabi is going to experience a new change which is going to be a great help for our environment. I’m overwhelmed with the news that Abu Dhabi is making A “Green Community” city the first of its kind in the world let me clarify it more. The “Green Community” is carbon neutral area with several science and research institutes and laboratories, committed to develop storable resources and energy.The city will be walled and no cars can exceed the maximum distance of 200 meters to the nearest transport link and facilities.

Abu Dhabi promises to show the world the way they should use and understand energy. I hope this motivates each and every one of us for our own benefit and for the betterment of our planet.
If you want to know more Click Here


Reusable Shopping Bags,

I am very pleased with the new Reusable Shopping Bags which is available at one of the biggest supermarkets (CARREFOUR) in the UAE. It’s cheap and cute and most of us know its eco-friendly, I guess a lot of people here are not aware of how Plastic bags can pollute our planet.

The Ecosystem is Effected ?!!?!?

Global warming is not only causing climate change but it is putting a lot of pressure on our ecosystem, plants and animals survive in certain climates. The temperature has increased so the growing season has changed in many parts of the world. The migration of some animals has to start earlier to follow their food source, because the spring is coming early in some parts. Also plants will need more water to stay alive or else they will die or dry out, that could lead to huge fires.

Winters will eventually fail to kill insects increasing the risk of infestation which will destroy the ecosystem. As the growing season moves forward, as the temperature increases daily, plants and animals survival gets harder. That’s why land-based plants and animals have to start migrating toward the poles. Sadly those that can’t migrate or adapt face extinction.

Related topic can be found in this Site: CLIMATE CHANGE, ECOSYSTEMS AND WILDLIFE

Effects of Global Warming.

The effects of global warming are uncountable. Global warming is almost killing every living thing in a way or another. The ice is melting in the arctic and that would
affect the animals’ life; for example the polar bear. Some scientists found dead polar bears and they related it to the global warming. Another effect is the climate change. Powerful hurricanes started appearing is some parts of the world like Katrina in US. The ecosystem is also affected by the global warming. Sea level rising is one of the effects that every one is concern about, because it will be a catastrophe to the law land countries. The world where we live in right now will change totally to what we have imagined and that time regret has no use.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Methane Gas and Global Warming !

One of the main global warming causes is methane gas. It comes after CO2 in greenhouse gases. The release of methane gas could be from coal-mining, oil exploration and when large areas of vegetation are burnt for clearance. However the big release is almost from agriculture activities especially wetlands like; rice paddies. Animal’s also specifically cud-chewing species like cows release methane gases. Methane is increasing 1 % every year which means it increases twice as fast as the carbon dioxide. Because, as the world population increases the agriculture activities must increase as well as the emission of methane. Methane gas could be far more dangerous than carbon dioxide because it’s 20 times stronger in greenhouse gases. Another problem is that there are methane and similar gases trapped under frozen grounds coming from dead bodies and bacterias. It could be a catastrophe if these frozen ground are melted because of the huge amount of dangerous gases trapped beneath them.

To know more about methane and CO2 go HERE

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

What is causing Global Warming ?!?!?!?!

There are so many causes of global warming and surely with every passing day, a new cause appears. There are mainly 2 causes either natural or man made causes. Natural causes like the big release of methane gas in some parts of the arctic, because of the lands saturated with water. Let me concentrate more on the man made causes because this issue can’t be controlled. One of the main causes that people made and cant stop using is fossil fuel. Burning Fossil fuel through cars, industries, planes and trains releases a huge amount of CO2 to the atmosphere. Overpopulation is another main cause. It is now out of control which clearly means more space is needed, so deforestation is taking place. We all know that plants take in CO2 to survive and give oxygen to the atmosphere. Undoubtedly also the consumption of fossil fuels will increase. Dissenting governments are playing a very big role in the cause of global warming. Small things in our houses could be the cause of global warming, like the fridge and air conditioner that releases CFC’s. So now it’s up to us, we are responsible for this mess. It is also late to blame ourselves for what we have done, but it’s not too late trying to stop this disaster by any means necessary.